Buy In and Dashboards

  • I've worked with over 500 companies,
    and I've yet to find companies
    that cannot improve
    if they do the right things.

    If they identify the right strategy
    and they implement the right execution,
    almost every business can improve
    and improve significantly.

    My name is Larry Goddard.
    I'm the CEO of the Portland Group, a consulting firm based in Cleveland, Ohio.

    If I came into a company
    and the CEO said to me, just give me 1 or 2 things that I would do,
    there are two things that I always focus on.

    One is a concept which I call creating buying.
    If a company can
    get their employees excited and enthusiastic about their plan
    and feel committed to the company
    and feel that they trust the company,
    Buy in becomes the secret sauce of business success.

    Now the reality is it costs next to nothing
    to generate buying in a business.
    But so few businesses prioritize it.
    But there's a couple of things
    you have to do to generate volume.
    One is you have to communicate with your employees.
    You have to tell them your plan for the company.
    You have to tell them how the company's doing.
    You have to empower employees to make them feel that you trust them.
    And you have to be trustworthy so that they feel they can trust you.

    And if you do that,
    employees will develop a passion
    for helping the company succeed.
    That becomes a powerful competitive force
    that will make your company so much better than your competition.
    And the competition will never understand
    how and why you did it.

    The second thing that I recommend to people
    that is vitally important and totally neglected.
    Then there's an incredibly simple thing, but it's to create a dashboard
    a dashboard that reflects the key performance indicators
    that are going to drive the success of your company

    In every company.
    There are probably 6 or 7 things that if you measure
    and manage them and pay attention to them,
    they will drive your company to success.
    The old expression of what gets measured gets done is reality in a business.
    But you have to do this on a daily, weekly and monthly basis where everybody in the company
    understands the key performance indicators they're going to drive success
    of the company.
    And they are passionate because you generated buy-in.
    They're passionate about helping the company
    improve their numbers in each of these key performance indicators.
    And if you've identified the right key performance indicators
    and you've created the right passion to improve them,
    your company is going to succeed.

What are the two most powerful things a CEO can do to drive business success? Larry Goddard shares his expert insights, focusing on the importance of employee buy-in and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs). Employee buy-in—the process of getting staff fully engaged and committed to the company’s vision—is often overlooked, yet it’s a major driver of success.

When employees feel valued, trusted, and informed about the company’s direction, they become passionate contributors rather than passive workers. Larry explains how clear communication, empowerment, and trust-building can significantly enhance workplace productivity and morale. The second critical factor is using KPIs and dashboards to measure and track business performance. Many companies operate without a structured system for monitoring success, leading to missed opportunities for growth. By identifying and regularly reviewing 6-7 key business metrics, companies can ensure they stay on track and make data-driven decisions.

If you’re a business leader looking to boost engagement, streamline operations, and maximize growth, this video is for you. Discover how these two essential leadership strategies can create a powerful competitive advantage and drive lasting success.


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